Saturday, May 22, 2010

Autumn Green Wright Campus - Chevy Equinox

Yesterday, I went to Autumn Green Wright Campus. It was a really nice afternoon. I had the chance to talk with many excited residents. They all had such incredible memories to share. Some of them had a hard time remembering the recipe that goes along with the memory. They said that since they don't cook anymore, they don't have all of their cookbooks. Also, a lot of the recipes were done by eyeballing and they can't remember exact amounts. That has been the tricky part about this project. It was so nice getting the chance to sit and just talk with the residents. I love what I do.

A girl named, Ashley, from Edelman (PR Firm representing Chevy) came yesterday too. She took lots of pictures and a video of me talking about my project and how Chevy has helped me to complete my mission. All of those pictures and comments will be on their twitter, facebook and blog, so check it out!!
Twitter: @ChevyMissions
Facebook at:
Chevy's Blog:

Here are some pictures:

Doing the cooking demonstration

Talking and taking pictures with some of the residents

Me in front of the Chevy Equinox

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